Monday, January 23, 2006

Four Weeks to DVD Release

Been engrossed in the KK and HB scripts, and trying to work out this here cashflow situation which has been stopping me from setting cast, crew and shooting dates for both upcoming films.

Four weeks to the TrashHouse DVD launch, of course. The artwork's all set, ( and you can now see the cover over at ), but I still haven't seen the final version of the DVD itself. That'll probably arrive towards the end of next week.

Got a lot of CVs to sift through for the next two projects. Just wish I was able to set a shoot date, but it's still not possible. Looks like there's a chance that I won't be able to manage shooting entirely back-to-back, and that KillerKiller might end up getting shot a few months before HellBride. We shall see.

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