Tuesday, September 06, 2005

TV deal also crawls closer...

Man, this is getting too tantalising.

Feels like we're forever teetering on the very, very edge of being able to announce the details of both the TV and DVD deals of TrashHouse, but we're always one step away. A couple of weeks back, I couldn't announce them because the heads of the companies concerned had yet to sign off on the deals. Heads have now signed off, but I still have no contracts. Not going to announce the deal until I have it in writing in front of me.

Also, not going to set shooting dates for Hellbride and KillerKiller until I have the TrashHouse deal in writing either, (for reasons explained in a previous entry), so I'm sitting here in LimboLand. It's a nice place, all told, but I'm looking forward to moving on. I had some good news on the TV deal front today, but I'll hold it to my chest until, until, until...

Our Gaffer/Lighting Director, Barri, dropped by yesterday afternoon. Good to see him. Weird thing about movie shoots: they bring together all these different people who've never met before, those people go through an incredibly big experience together, then everyone goes their separate ways. Barri's been working with Al, (our DP), on quite a few projects and has an awful lot of interesting stuff going on.

I also caught up with our Associate Producer/Production Manager Nick last week, who had been scouting for props, (and making a couple), for the next two movies. Despite having no firm start-date as yet, he was determined that we were gonna get ahead of the game this time. Star, that bloke.

Maybe another week for the contracts. As soon as I have something to report, then report I shall...

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